Practice What You Preach, You Gravy Sucking Pig!!!

Here we have a women who has made her career on shallow personality news and who is now in a position to do something about it.

Her response is to bring vapid personality chit-chat to Edward R. Murrow’s chair.

Katie Couric Seven for ’07: Simple Lessons for a Complicated Time


Pursuing something you love should be the first thing on your post-graduate to do list. But too often, that’s not what drives young people as they look at their life goals. According to a recent survey, many say their top two priorities are number 1, being rich, and number 2, being famous. Believe me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be …

So quit and do the news industry a favor. Not only don’t you deserve to sit in Edward R. Murrow’s chair, you don’t deserve to sit in Geraldo’s chair.

You are a rich shallow person elevated well past your level of competence. Get out.

But thanks to self-made You Tube productions, and so-called reality shows like The Apprentice and Survivor, … fame, even the fleeting sanjaya-type, seems easier to attain, and more seductive, than ever.

The proliferation of celebrity magazines makes Lindsey Lohan’s latest stint in rehab seem more important than what’s happening in Darfur.

The kind of fluff that accosts us on the newsstand may seem like harmless fun, but it should also come with a warning label that says it can rot your mind and distort your values.

Cthulhu on a Croissant! What’s next? Rush Limbaugh lecturing people on the dangers of drug abuse????

Ummmm…Bad Example….

Tom Delay lecturing people on ethics….


Robert Bork lecturing people on frivolous law suits???

OK…It may take a while for me to find a non-hypocrite winger.


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