Blockbuster expands Blu-ray rentals – Jun. 18, 2007

I still believe that HD-DVD will be the winning format in the next DVD wars, given Blu-Ray’s higher costs, Sony’s traditionally incompetent marketing, and it’s Jihad against Pr0n studios, who are universally jumping on board the HD-DVD format, but this indicates that I may be wrong.

We’ll know in 2-3 years.

Blockbuster expands Blu-ray rentals – Jun. 18, 2007
The movie-rental chain says it will expand the high-definition DVDs to 1,700 stores by July.
June 18 2007: 7:20 AM EDT

NEW YORK ( — Blockbuster Inc. announced Monday it is expanding the inventory of high-density Blu-Ray discs to 1,700 stores by July, in response to the rising popularity of high-definition DVDs.

The movie-rental chain said the stores will carry more than 170 titles in Blu-ray, releasing more as they are distributed by studios Also, the store will continue to offer both Blu-ray and HD DVDs through its online rental service and its initial 250 stores that currently carry the discs.”

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