Europe Looking for Operational Independence of the US

This is a part of a continuing trend of our NATO allies looking for the ability to conduct operations independently of the US.

Not surprising, when one considers just how badly people have gotten burnt by the Bush admin.

The US is no longer viewed as a dependable ally. We are viewed as a mad dog.

Italy Starts Work on Second-Generation CosmoSkyMed (Subscription Required)

Italy Starts Work on Second-Generation CosmoSkyMed
Aviation Week & Space Technology
06/18/2007, page 72

Andy Nativi
Vandenberg AFB, Calif.
Michael A. Taverna

With X-band radar satellite safely in orbit, Italy starts work on second-generation design

Printed headline: Cosmo Calling

The first of four CosmoSkyMed radar observation satellites will became operational in December, following a successful launch last week.

Together with Germany’s SARLupe imaging system, the first of which was orbited in December, the Italian X-band satellite will add an all-weather adjunct to Europe’s day/night optical intelligence satellite capacity, based on France’s Helios 2. The combined systems will provide a full space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability to support troops deployed in overseas theaters and reinforce immigration control, drug interdiction and other security activities.

The radar network was due to be expanded late last week by a German metric commercial radar spacecraft, TerreSAR-X, and next month by a second SARLupe.

Under a series of agreements dating back to 2001, Italy and France will share access to CosmoSkyMed, Helios 2 and France’s twin-satellite, dual-use Pleiades submetric optical-imaging system, which is to be deployed in 2009-10. An Italian hyperspectral optical instrument may be added to the mix.

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