New York’s state Assembly approves gay marriage bill

The Republithug controlled senate will be a harder sell, unfortunately.

New York’s state Assembly approves gay marriage bill
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Associated Press Writer

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) Legislation to legalize same-sex marriage in New York, sponsored by the openly gay brother of entertainer Rosie O’Donnell and supported by Gov. Eliot Spitzer, was approved 85-61 by the state Assembly Tuesday after an often emotional three-hour debate.

Despite the victory for supporters of the legislation, the bill is not expected to be acted on any time soon in the Republican-led state Senate.

In opening the Assembly debate, Manhattan Democrat Daniel O’Donnell told his colleagues that civil union, a process permitted in neighboring Vermont, wasn’t good enough.

“It will not provide equality for people like me,” he said.

But Assemblyman Brian Kolb, taking note of “the nuns who taught me in grammar school” and his marriage in the Catholic Church, said he could not support the move.

“I do feel threatened. I do feel harmed,” said the Canandaigua Republican. “It’s a direct challenge to me and how I was brought up.”

Democrat Dov Hikind, an Orthodox Jew from Brooklyn, warned the measure could lead to other proposals he found objectionable.

“Maybe we should include incest in the bill and sort of deal with the whole package at one time,” said Hikind.”

Democrat Dov Hikind, an Orthodox Jew from Brooklyn, is a Shanda before the Goyim. (Loose translation: Asshole)

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