What She Daid, Deborah Leavy Edition

I guess that the Beltway pundits think that punishment only applies to black and Hispanic folks.

Thank you Ms. Leavy, for a breath of honesty from Philadelphia.

Deborah Leavy

PROMINENT conservatives, pundits and websites are rallying around I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, ex-chief of staff to Vice President Cheney, who has been sentenced to 30 months and fined $250,000 after being convicted of obstruction of justice, perjury and lying to a grand jury and federal investigators.

In sentencing Libby, federal Judge Reggie Walton cited “overwhelming” evidence of Libby’s guilt. “People who occupy these types of positions, where they have the welfare and security of the nation in their hands, have a special obligation,” declared the judge, who was appointed by President George W. Bush.

But conservative Republicans argue that Libby is a dedicated public servant, and that he is merely the victim of a faulty memory. They are pressuring President Bush to pardon Libby.

But many Democrats are gleeful. They haven’t forgotten that when Bill Clinton lied about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, Republicans called him unfit for office, and Clinton was impeached. Now the shoe is one the other foot, Democrats crow.

Revenge should have no role in the criminal-justice system, nor should it be a reason to exult in Libby’s case. If revenge were the reason for Libby’s sentence, I would join those calling for his pardon.

But I don’t think the judge is sending Libby to prison for payback. Judge Walton is known as a tough sentencer, and since Libby did the crime he should do the time.

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