Just Pay Them More

You are talking about people who can count. If you pay people with a math aptitude more, they will run the numbers when choosing a career path.

MAA study tackles projected skills dearth

Concern that the UK aerospace sector is slowly bleeding skills and experience has led the UK’s Midlands Aerospace Alliance (MAA) to develop a model for collaboration. MAA hopes this attracts the next generation of skilled workers into the sector.
Research by the regional UK group shows an alarming mismatch between expectations and reality throughout education, recruitment and employment. In industry, the worst affected are SMEs. An MAA study revealed little planning is done for evolving engineering skills requirements, including replacements for the 5-10% of the workforce expected to retire in the next five years. Companies instead rely on finding the skills they require, when they need them, in the general jobs market – more knee-jerk reaction than strategy.

Although recruitment of young people is seen as one of the solutions to this pending problem, the industry struggles with a poor image among students, which is compounded by gaps in the education system.

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