Yes, It Is Racist, Beds Are Burning Edition

(It’s a reference to the song by Midnight Oil.

Australian clampdown on Aborigines condemned as racist

Fri Jun 22, 1:44 AM ET

An Australian government plan to ban alcohol and pornography in Aboriginal communities to try to curb rampant child sexual abuse was labelled racist and knee-jerk by indigenous groups Friday.

Prime Minister John Howard announced the unprecedented measures on Thursday following a government report detailing paedophilia and juvenile prostitution in Aboriginal communities across Australia’s vast Northern Territory.

As government ministers appealed on national television for health professionals to help solve what Howard described as a “national emergency”, critics said Canberra’s plan had been hastily prepared and poorly thought out.

Indigenous activist Michael Mansell accused Howard of trying to stir hysteria against Aborigines ahead of national elections later this year, where the prime minister’s conservative government will seek a fifth term in office.

Mansell said the government’s plans singled out Aborigines.

“It would be different if his social behaviour strategy applied to everyone in Australia, but it doesn’t, making his policies racist,” said Mansell, the director of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre.

“This is a racist attack on the weak and an immoral abuse of power, amounting to nothing more than political vote scoring.”


Emphasis mine

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