Claude Rains Would be Shocked: More Lobbyists On McCain Staff Than Any Other 08 Candidate

(It’s a reference to Casablanca)
McCain has been dirty since his Keating 5 days.
BTW, when you read this look at the ads. I bet that $#@% McCain ad will be back on the right column.

More Lobbyists On McCain Staff Than Any Other 08 Candidate
John McCain, who made his name attacking special interests, has more lobbyists working on his staff or as advisers than any of his competitors, Republican or Democrat.

A Huffington Post examination of the campaigns of the top three presidential candidates in each party shows that lobbyists are playing key roles in both Democratic and Republican bids –although they are far more prevalent on the GOP side. But, all the campaigns pale in comparison to McCain’s, whose rhetoric stands in sharp contrast to his conduct.

“Too often the special interest lobbyists with the fattest wallets and best access carry the day when issues of public policy are being decided,” McCain asserts on his web site, declaring that he “has fought the ‘revolving door’ by which lawmakers and other influential officials leave their posts and become lobbyists for the special interests they have aided.”