Gordon Brown apologises for Tony Blair

Really, this is about separating himself from Tony Blair, who is about to do the only thing that could possibly make him less popular in Britain, he is becoming a Catholic.

Brown is calling Blair a lying sack of $#@!.

Brown apologises for Iraq intelligence ‘mistakes’

Britain’s next prime minister Gordon Brown apologised for mistakes in intelligence made in the run-up to the Iraq war in a BBC television interview Friday.

Brown has stressed that he will push for a new emphasis in Iraq when he takes over from current premier Tony Blair on Wednesday but went further than before in his latest comments.

“We have apologised, and I repeat that, for the mistakes that were made in intelligence,” he said.

“I think we’ve got to be honest about it that mistakes were made at the point of reconstruction after Saddam Hussein fell … mistakes made by all of us in the reconstruction progress,” he said.

Brown also said that there would be clearer boundaries between intelligence and politics when he was in office.

“I’m setting in place what I think are far more rigorous procedures so that the intelligence is seen to be different from, if you like, any decision by a politician,” he added.

“I want people to know that in future, they can be satisfied that, where public information is provided, it has gone through an authoritative process and it is free of political influence.

emphasis mine

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