A Historic First: Heath Shuler’s Play Calling DOESN’T Suck

Seriously, I’m a Redskins fan, and what a bust he was. (Yes, I know that this is bad English)

Seriously, he had a cannon for an arm, but he had maracas for his head.

I think that Gus Frerrotte, the league minimum 2nd stringer who outplayed him in every imaginable way, is still in the NFL

Rep. slammed as ‘chickenshit thief’ for ‘borrowing’ Democrat’s sign

A Republican House member (pictured) was slammed by a Democratic colleague as a “chickenshit thief” after borrowing one of his signs, a Capitol Hill newspaper reports.

“On Thursday, during House votes, a very angry Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) had some distinctly non-collegial words for Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas),” Emily Heil reports for Roll Call’s “Heard on the Hill.” “The words ‘gutless,’ ‘chickens–t’ and ‘thief’ were flung.”

The paper reports, “Shuler, a former NFL quarterback, was spotted towering over a seated Gohmert, wagging a finger in his face during the heated session, spies tell HOH.”

“Gohmert’s crime?” Heil continues. “Shuler and his gang, the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats, say the Texas Republican pulled off a high-stakes heist.”

Heil observes, “Next time Gohmert gets the urge to steal — or borrow — something, HOH humbly suggests he chooses a less physically intimidating target.”


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