OK, This is Insanely Neat

I know that whenever I Mapquest something (actually Yahoo), I frequently know a better way to get there once presented with the map.

Now you can fix it before printing.


Google embarasses MapQuest

Driving directions redux
By Cade Metz in San Francisco → More by this author
Published Friday 29th June 2007 20:26 GMT
Mobile computing: Opportunities and risk – Free whitepaper

You’ll never use MapQuest again. With a new addition to its Google Maps service, Google has completely reinvented the notion of online driving directions, letting you adjust routes with a simple drag and drop.

In the past, when you asked services like MapQuest or Google Maps for driving directions, you took what they gave you. Now, thanks to Google’s latest brainstorm, you can customize your directions on the fly. If you’re dead-set on avoiding a particularly-congested part of town, for instance, you can drag your driving route a little this way or that – and Google will automatically change the turn-by-turn directions.

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