Maybe, Just Maybe, Senate Democrats Know What This is

Perhaps this is no longer terra ingognita

Check out the NY Times article, Sensing a Shift, Reid Will Press for an Iraq Exit, Harry Reid is saying that they haven’t done enough, and I think that he means it.

I think that the so-called moderate Vichy wing of the Democratic party got one chance, and they lost. After seeing the poll numbers plummet, the Democrats now realize the equation:

  • Knuckle under again, and the Republicans gain points.
  • Take this to the mat, using everything at their disposal, and they gain points.

The country favors impeaching Cheney, and is close to favoring this with Bush.

Additionally, every time the Republicans senators vote for the war, they lose votes, and 2008 is already figuring to be a bad year for the Repuiblican senators who will be standing for re-election then.

Not One Step Back

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