Green Party Takes Blackwater Corporate Money

Eric Prince, owner of the mercenary organization Blackwater Security, donated $10,000 in 2006 to corporate stooge, and erstwhile Green Party candidate for Pennsylvania US Senate seat Carl Romanelli.

Mr. Romanelli was thankfully unsuccessful, because the petitions collected by a for profit service funded by Republicans and corporations to get his name on the ballot were largely fraudulent.

I was thinking about this today, when I heard a statement on the radio by a Green Party representative saying that they were not “beholden to corporate money”.

Looking at the list of donors to the Romanelli campaign, I would argue that they are tied more tightly to corporate money that the Republican party.

Other donations:

  • $1,000 from Bill Wichterman, a senior lobbyist at Washington, for such corporate behemoths as Halliburton, Chevron and Unisys, and a former aide to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN).
  • $1000 each from Steven Taylor and his wife. Taylor is a major in the E. Coli outbreak bagged salad industry. Two of his children also donated $4000 to the Green party, while giving around $180,000. to right wing causes in the past few years.
  • $5000 from Mark Pasquerilla, self-described “big Republican”, and heir to a department store fortune.
  • $1000 from Gary Andres, a high powered Washington lobbiest, who works for PhRMA, the drug industry PAC, and frequently writes for the reactionary Washington Times and National Review.
  • $5000 from James Holman, who also contributed over $1 million to California’s anti-abortion proposition 73.
  • $5000 from William Grube, a war profiteer in the night vision goggle business.

It appears to me that the Green party is very much the military industrial complex’s bitch.

FWIW, there was one campaign donation not connected to military-industrial complex interests, $30.00 from Carl Romanelli, the candidate.

Well, Mr. welcome to America Mr. Romanelli*, where any man can tart themselves up for dirty corporate money.

Friends don’t let friends support the Green Party.

News stories collected from TPMmuckraker and Attytood.

*He’s a native born American…It’s an ironic metaphor.
I know that most of you get this, but the humorless corporate whores that are the Green Party probably won’t, hence the footnote.

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