What Jack Cafferty Said

I believe that I’ve said before that I am a hard liner on immigration, though I don’t side with the nativists who favor going after the illegal aliens in a draconian manner.

As such, I whole heartedly agree with Jack Cafferty’s take on the judge that issued a stay on “no match” letters, which put employers on notice when there are irregularities in the social security data for employees.

It puts the onus of compliance with the law with the employers, where it should stand, and it gives 90 days, which is sufficient time to resolve the issue, and the idea that it “potentially enormous burden on the employer” (like OSHA, as Jack says, or the EPA as I say) is ludicrous.

No one living in another country has a right to work here. Immigration should be legal, and should be governed by the interests and values of us as a society.

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