‘Phants Realize that Bush is Millstone About Their Necks

The Republican leaders, from left, Senator Mitch McConnell, Senator Trent Lott and Representative Roy Blunt, after a meeting with President Bush on the children’s health insurance program.
Note picture: Trent Lott, who was knifed by Bush, is front and center, he is front and center to show that Congressional Republicans are not happy with Bush.

The fact that Republicans in Congress are unhappy with Bush on S-CHIP is to a large degree an artifact of the fact that Bush is delusional:

At the White House, administration officials urged Congressional Republicans to try to remain positive and ride out the current turmoil. Ed Gillespie, a senior adviser to Mr. Bush, told the visitors, according to multiple accounts, that had Republicans sided with Democrats on the health program, they would have opened themselves to withering criticism from conservatives and been in a worse position than they are now.

This is crap. They are in a bad position because they are denying health care to children of hard working parents.

They have been owned on this issue because the facts are clear, and the press is covering the facts.

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