Kausgoat Scandal!!!!!

Yep, the latest scandal is that Mickey Kaus orally sodomizes goats.

It first showed up in the comments of a Matthew Yglesias post about how bone headed (pun not intended*) Kaus was about claiming that some dumb ass phony rumors of a John Edwards affair:

Mickey Kaus’ long post here about John Edwards’ alleged affair with Rielle Hunter is almost self-refuting. Basically, we have an anonymous source saying Hunter said she had an affair with Edwards, versus Hunter, on the record, saying that’s not the case. Then there’s Edwards, also saying it’s not the case. But Kaus initially deems Edwards’ denial too vague and non-specific.

Then someone posted something about Mickey Kaus having carnal knowledge of a goat, which soon escalated into oral sodomy with said ruminant.

It should that Mr. Kaus has issued no denial, so we must assume that this is true.

In any case, it soon found its way to Atrios, and then to his Wikipedia entry.

It’s also been mentioned on Wonkette , Sadly No, Oliver Willis, Kos, The Group News Blog, and many others.

I wouldn’t mention it, but Mickey Kaus has STILL not offered a denial, so by the standards of…Mickey Kaus…Mickey Kaus blows goats.

Yes, I know that this is irresponsible, and that I should feel bad about this, but piling on a wanker is fun sometimes.

*OK, the pun was intended, and I’m glad.

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