One of the Fat Cat Televangelists Complains About Senate Investigation

Here is a picture of the good Reverend Eddie Long:

He’s complaining about having to turn over financial data to a Senate investigating committee.

Boo F&^%ing who. I used to run the largest (only really) event for a 501(c)3 non-profit, and we had to do a form 990, which is publicly available every year. Churches do not.

It’s was a lot more of pain for this non profit, which did not break $100K in gross revenues when I was there, than it is for his multi-million dollar mega-church.

The real solution is to eliminate the 990 exemption for churches, and let them play by the same rules as other not-for profits. We’ve seen more than enough corruption by the “God Squad” and they should operate under the same rules as other non-profits.

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