
Howard “Cookie” Krongard is the inspector general for the State Department. This guy is a political hack, with a record of stonwalling DoJ investigations and threatening whistleblowers.

Needless to say, since Democrats are running things, it has meant a trip before the House Oversight Committee. It did not go well, as “Cookie” had to recuse himself from investigations of Blackwater because his brother, A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard,* is on one of its advisory panels at an annual pay of $10-15K. He said that he had only become aware of it that day.

The problem is that his Brother just gave an interview where he says that he told his brother in October that he was joining the board.

Oops. It appears that handcuffs may be the Republican fashion statement in 2009.

*Yeah, it’s the stupid nickname crime family. You have Cookie, Buzzy, Turdblossom, Shrub, and the Human Stain (Cheney).

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