Senate Folds on AMT to Republicans

Let’s be clear about this, the Alternative Minimum Tax is just a flat tax. You compute the regular, and the AMT taxes owed, and choose the higher. For all the talk of millions of people being hit, it’s not a big deal.

Most of these people, will pay a few hundred bucks more than they would have otherwise.

When the House passed this bill, they closed loopholes for oil companies and phony capital gains for hedge fund managers to pay for it.

There were the votes to do that in the Senate, but not the votes to overturn a filibuster, so the Senate caved, and passed AMT relief without paying for it, violating pay-go.

At the very least, Reid could have insisted that the Republicans talk. We need a real filibuster, not one of these 24 hour talk fests, but one where you take a vote when the guy stops talking.

So far this year, the Republicans have filibustered more times than during any session ever, and each session covers two years.

Enough is enough. If the Republicans want to filibuster, make them filibuster.

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