Year: 2007

The Right Wing Has Run Out of Scandals to Pimp

But like any good environmentalists, they have have turned to recycling. They gone back to accusations that Hillary is a lesbian.

It appears that the right wingers do not know the difference between a lesbian and a scary woman. While there is an intersection of these groups, it does not approach unity.

Of course, the wankeriffic Mickey Kaus dutifully reports this as a breaking rumor, because, I guess, that he feels honor bound to his readers to report every lame assed rumor out there.

Have I mentioned the rumor that Mickey Kaus blows goats? I feel compelled to report that too.

What I dread is the fact that Hillary’s will now leak a sex tape of her and Bill to refute the rumor.

The horror…the horror…

Appeals Court Puts Small ISPs Out of Business

It said that the FCC ruling that no requirement for access to the list mile wiring stands.

Ma Bell has lived for years by using monopolistic techniques to ice out competition. It’s more profitable than supplying a better product, which is why the US is behind the rest of the industrialized world in broadband.

The FCC claims that this will give more competition. Why should it, when anti-competitive behavior is more profitable than competing.

Fred Thompson Clown Show: Gun Control Edition

Remember Freddie Thompson getting all freaked out about the UN and guns?

He referred to a August 2006 declaration of the Human Rights Council Sub-commission

Urges States to adopt laws and policies regarding the manufacture, possession, transfer and use of small arms that comply with principles of international human rights and international humanitarian law;

Also urges States to provide training on the use of firearms by armed forces and law enforcement personnel consistent with basic principles of international human rights and humanitarian law with special attention to the promotion and protection of human rights as a primary duty of all State officials;

Further urges States to take effective measures to minimize violence carried out by armed private actors, including using due diligence to prevent small arms from getting into the hands of those who are likely to misuse them;

Ummm…let’s see….This threat to the 2nd amendment is a statement that people make and sell firearms responsibly, that they train soldiers and police properly, and that you do your best to keep guns out of the hands of bad people.

Pretty scary stuff.

Tom Udall Reconsidering New Mexico Senate Race

He had previously ruled it out, but now appears to be considering a run. As Domenici is retiring, this is a possible pickup, and it becomes a much more likely pickup with Udall in the race.

If he is half the man his father one, the only one eyed ex-NBA player ever in to serve congress, he’ll be one of the best guys in the senate.

Read Mo Udall’s autobiography, Too Funny to Be Presiodent.

DSCC Gunning For McConnell

It appears that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) has decided to target Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Good. When the Republicans decided to target Tom Daschle in 2004, it crossed a line, and payback is not about making anyone feel good, it’s about making sure that when these lines are crossed, the people get slapped down.

As Sean Connery once said, They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way!

You cannot make nice with these folks. If you want them to visit your grave every months, the only way to do that is because they are afraid that you will come up again.

This needs more than money, it needs balls. It needs to be nasty, and that includes a whispering campaign about the fact that McConnel separated from the army after 10 days, allegedly for giving another guy a hand job in the shower.

Republicans will never respect anyone else, but they are at their core cowards, and they can manage fear.

GOP tries Arm Twisting Bush Dogs Over Contempt Citations

This comes as no surprise. After all, as much as pukes like Joe Lieberman would have us believe it, being a Bush dog is not a statement of strength, but a statement of weakenss, so with dear leader at 26 percent, the Republicans are threatening attack ads, because they might support investigations into Bush wrongdoing.

This is cowardice, and when these folks act this way, it depicts the entire Democratic party as a bunch of cowards who can’t be trusted. That is why they are a liability that needs to be minimized.

This isn’t Dan Burton and his watermelons. This is an investigation into turning the Justice Department into a wing of the Republican party. It is worse than anything Nixon ever did.

Message to Bush Dogs, stand up for your country and grow a backbone. This isn’t politics, this is the country that you have to say.

To quote REPUBLICAN Dick Thornburgh, George Herbert Walker Bush’s Attorney General:

“The citizens of the United States must have confidence that the department is conducting itself in a fair and impartial” manner, “without actual political influence or the appearance of political influence.

Unfortunately, that may no longer be the case,” Thornburgh said.

Senator Hagel Begs Bush for Negociations With Iran

Steve Clemons had Hagel’s letter leaked to him. He denies that the source was Hagel. He also notes that Admiral William J. Fallon, Commander, U.S. Central Command (Centcom), the guy who thinks that Petraeus is a worthless Eddie Haskell suckup, has, “allegedly communicated with the Senator that serious articulations of American interests and consideration of the options Hagel recommends are much needed in this current political and policy environment.”

Translation: Someone call off the insane folks in DC.

Not that I think that batsh$# insane Cheney, and the petulant brat will listen, though it is significant that this is getting leaked, and passed around the military.

Bill Donohue. Professional Bigot at it again.

The Picture in question:

Miller apologizes for street festival poster
Promo drew complaints from Catholic group
Posted: Oct. 29, 2007

Miller Brewing Co. Monday apologized for allowing the company’s brand logos to appear on a poster promoting a San Francisco street festival that some viewed as offensive to Catholics.

The poster was a parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” featuring men and women wearing leather. It promoted the Folsom Street Fair, an annual event that features exhibits on sexual practices. This year’s fair occurred in September.

We know the real reason that Bill Donohue got his nipples in a twist*, it wasn’t the leather. It was the black Jesus. This guy has a long history of deeply bigoted statements.

Besides, this is a hoot. It’s almost as funny as the Last Supper Scene in the movie M*A*S*H*.

*Yeah, I know, cheap pun, but I gotta be me.