Year: 2007

A Great Post on the Healthcare Crisis

Read the full article. It’s about the colmnist listening to Sandra Day O’Connor’s concerns about her son and grandson, who is uninsurable.

As I listened, a light dawned: O’Connor and the rest of us with health coverage are also uninsured. We too face terrible, albeit more remote, healthcare risks — the risk that our employer will drop our plan, that Medicare will go bust, that our plan won’t cover our needs, that premiums will eat us alive, that our doctor will stop taking our insurance, that long-term care will wipe us out, and that our uninsured friends and family members will need major financial help.

Hat tip to the Mahablog

Huckabee Surging

Once again, I am wrong in a prediction. Huckabee is surging in polls.

I had kind of written him off as being too Arkansas, and too formerly fat.

My early prediction was for Brownback, who I think is rather more telegenic, but is going nowhere.

By way of lame excuse, I did not realize that Brownback was Catholic, which is a big strike against him in the Republican primary.

Additionally, I think that Huckabee’s life story has a redemption element, specifically his dropping over 100 pounds and getting in shape.

People love a redemption element, and being morbidly obese is pretty mild as a problem to recover from, compared to something like, bribes, diapers, or men’s room pickups.

Of course, the fact that I was wrong about this is one more reason why my making predictions scares me.

Endorsements and Superstitions

When Nixon was nominated in 1968, my father said, “Those idiot Republicans, there is no way we can lose now”.

My dad still has a few hundred sheets of McGovern stationary in the house.

I supported Howard Dean, and went to the meetups, and worked on a campaign for state house where the candidate finished 6th.

While I do have a preference on who gets the Democratic nomination, I have this feeling that my explicitly endorsing a candidate would jinx that individual.

So, for right now, I’m being held hostage to these superstitions, and I am quite well aware that this is stupid.

Spitzer to File Lawsuit Against Bush “Kill the Kids” Rules

Elliot Spitzer is reviewing whether to file suit against Bush’s executive order gutting the SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program)program.

Good for him.

Bush opposes SCHIP because he’s afraid that it works too well, and it might therefore harm the bottom line of his insurance company donors.

State Considering Legal Challenge Congressman Rangel Urges Delegation to Stand United

Governor Eliot Spitzer today launched an effort to reverse new federal rules that will impede New York’s groundbreaking efforts to insure every child. He announced that New York will consider fighting the matter in court. Joined by Congressman Charles B. Rangel, the Governor called on President Bush to approve a plan New York has submitted that will make health insurance available to nearly 400,000 uninsured children.

The Governor and the Congressman met with State Health Commissioner Richard Daines, M.D. to discuss a recent administrative action initiated by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that will curtail New York’s effort to insure every child in the state, result in more uninsured children across the nation, and roll back Congressional measures allowing individual states the flexibility to address their specific needs.

The new federal rules announced August 17th governing the expansion of state plans under the federal State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) block New York’s legislatively approved expansion of children’s health insurance, as well as roll back expansions or pending plans in 17 other states and the District of Columbia.

Governor Spitzer announced that the state may fight the new federal administrative rules in court on the grounds that they contradict the provisions of the federal SCHIP law and were imposed without notice or the required comment period as required by the federal Administrative Procedures Act.

“We are calling on President Bush to abolish these troublesome roadblocks to insuring our nation’s children,” said Governor Spitzer. “The President should invest in the health of America’s children and allow states like New York, and nearly 20 others, to implement programs that will help ensure that more and more children receive the healthy beginning they deserve.”

Lieutenant Governor David Paterson said: “Our fight on behalf of New York’s children is a reflection of the values that are at the core of Governor Spitzer’s ‘Patient First’ health care agenda. Providing quality health care for our state’s children is not an issue that should be cloaked in politics, but rather a common sense policy that should be promoted and embraced.”

Congressman Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has championed legislation expanding access to health care for children, and has pledged his support for New York’s initiative and similar efforts underway in other states to expand coverage for uninsured children. He said: “Flexibility has been the cornerstone of SCHIP’s past success, allowing states to design their programs based on local needs, values, and economics. So if we allow local adjustments in federal subsidies like housing or Medicare, why wouldn’t we do so in safeguarding the health of our youngest generation? Democrats in New York are united in our efforts to expand health insurance to more than 11 million children here and around the nation. And you can be sure that we are committed to turning back anything that handicaps that effort.”

In April, New York State filed a State Plan Amendment with CMS, seeking federal approval to expand the income eligibility for its Child Health Plus program from the current maximum of 250 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL), about $43,000 for a family of three, to 400 percent of the FPL, about $68,000 for the same family. The change would extend eligibility to an additional 60,000 uninsured children, the cost of the monthly premium would increase based on a family’s income level.

With the expansion, virtually all children in New York State would have access to affordable health insurance through a combination of Medicaid, Child Health Plus, and private commercial insurance. The initiative is a key piece of the Governor’s health reform agenda and is the first step in the Governor’s “Partnership for Coverage” initiative to expand access to health insurance for all New Yorkers through an incremental, building block approach.

State Health Commissioner Richard Daines, M.D. said: “New York’s Child Health Plus Program opens the door to a lifetime of good health. It all starts with coverage and access to childhood immunizations, early developmental screenings, and continuity of care.”

State health officials are continuing efforts to aggressively reach out and enroll all those children who are eligible under the federal requirements.

Google, Yahoo! and Amazon sued over email patent | The Register

In yet another case of IP gone stupid, patent troll Polaris has sued for infringing their patent on rules based mail filtering.

To quote Ars Technica:

The patent, titled “Automatic message interpretation and routing system,” is unsurprisingly general. It was filed in 1998 and awarded to a company called Brightware, Inc. in 2002, and it basically describes an autoresponder. “The method for automatically interpreting an electronic message may also include the step of retrieving one or more predetermined responses corresponding to the interpretation of the electronic message from a repository for automatic delivery to the source,” reads the patent.

The company, Polaris IP, has no products. It’s an IP troll.

Note that Procmail, a rather powerful rules based email delivery agent, was released in 1990, and that auto-responders date to before 1980.

Hopefully, this will get thrown out, but if not, one hopes that the court will obey the recent Supreme court precedent, and not grant an injunction.

Our patent system needs to be fixed.

Back from Camping

Went to Atlantia Coronation. Basically, this is an SCA thing, historical reenactment set in medieval times.

We all had fun, and were very well fed. It was held at a boy scout camp about 40 miles west of DC.

The worst thing that happened was that one Natalie’s dulcimer strings snapped while tuning (Cheap dulcimer).

I also strapped on my stupid had and got some getting hit over the head lessons1. Got a doozy of a bruise on my leg, a wrap shot to the leg. The Bruise pattern shows that it was a quite well executed shot.

I need to get into bloody shape…I was puffing like a buffalo.

My wife entered her stump work2 in the arts competition, and while she did not win, she got some useful and constructive criticism.

1This is simulated medieval combat using armor and wooden weapons swung at full force.
2A sort of textured embroidery done various thicknesses of threads, beads and/or sequins…Also called raised work.

This Guy is a Bloody Genius

Major props to Kyle Garchar.

Senior pays for ‘legendary’ prank

Take top poster and pass to the left.

Following those instructions, hundreds of Hilliard Darby High School football fans fell into an elaborate prank on Friday night.

When they stood up during a football game against cross-town rival Hilliard Davidson High School and held up squares of construction paper, they thought they were spelling out: “Go Darby.”

But from across the field, Davidson fans read the actual message:

“We suck.”

Hilliard Davidson senior Kyle Garchar masterminded the trick at Crew Stadium and suffered an in-school suspension for it.

The principal is a humorless jerk.

Go to his blog. Contribute to his scholarship fund.

RNC Doing Intelligence in Green Zone?

Seriously, when reps Moran and Tauscher went to Iraq, the found that thousands of flyers, describing them in terms sounding like opposition research, were circulating in the Green Zone.

Bush and His Evil Minions have infiltrated every level of US government, and we are going to need de-Bushification when he is gone if we want our government to work.

One amusing/appalling note from the story above:

But even such tight control could not always filter out the bizarre world inside the barricades. At one point, the three were trying to discuss the state of Iraqi security forces with Iraq’s national security adviser, Mowaffak al-Rubaie, but the large, flat-panel television set facing the official proved to be a distraction. Rubaie was watching children’s cartoons.

When Moran asked him to turn it off, Rubaie protested with a laugh and said, “But this is my favorite television show,” Moran recalled.

Bush to Offer Proposals To Ease Mortgage Crisis –

Bush has proposals for mortgage crisis.

The question is who is he paying off with this? Is it poll driven or contributor driven?

Dean Baker has some good analysis.

Basically, his plan is to allow poor people to get even further over their heads by waiving the 3% FHA equity requirement, and to forgive the taxes on the forgiven debts that are foreclosure, which benefits the richest families (higher tax bracket) more than the poor ones.

There is also the inevitable jawboning about going after bad players in the market.

Bush and His Evil Minions have a good record on going after evil doers. Where’s Osama bin Laden again?

So, it will make things worse, and benefit the rich….Any Questions?

This is Unbelievably Stupid

So, Moqtada al-Sadr orders a freeze in operations of his militia, but the US Military is continuing to aggressively raid his offices.

Sadr’s message came the day after he issued a public statement to his Mahdi Army to cease its operations for up to six months so he could restructure the group. But Sadr was forced to reconsider after a raid Thursday by U.S. and Iraqi forces on his office in the southern city of Karbala led to the deaths of six Mahdi Army members and the arrest of 30 others, the officials said.

It’s almost like someone in the White House or Pentagon is looking for a fight to excuse the failure of the surge or to have an reason to attack Iraq.


