Year: 2007

Bush Admin to Create New Gulags

Replacing one Gulag with a bunch of little ones….Delightful.

Bush Administration Nears Decision To Close Gitmo

AP) WASHINGTON The Bush administration is nearing a decision to close the Guantanamo Bay detainee facility and move the terror suspects there to military prisons elsewhere, The Associated Press has learned.

President Bush’s national security and legal advisers are expected to discuss the move at the White House on Friday and, for the first time, it appears a consensus is developing, senior administration officials said Thursday.

The advisers will consider a proposal to shut the center and transfer detainees to one or more Defense Department facilities, including the maximum security military prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, where they could face trial, said the officials. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were discussing internal deliberations.

And These Guys are Protecting US???

Would that Karl Rove’s evil minions were so incompetent.

Hacker breaks into Pentagon email system

By Austin Modine in Mountain View
Published Friday 22nd June 2007 00:20 GMT

The Pentagon took as many as 1,500 computers offline yesterday to stamp out a security breach in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told reporters in a news briefing today that a hacker had penetrated an unclassified OSD email system, prompting the shutdown. The system reportedly does not contain information related to military operations.

“A variety of precautionary measures are being taken. We expect the systems to be online again very soon.”

Bush Official Flips Out

He is impassioned, vocal, and wrong.

Standard Bushie industry flak.

Bush official goes nuclear in Net Neut row

By Gavin Clarke in San Francisco
Published Friday 22nd June 2007 01:00 GMT

Supernova 2007 A San Francisco tech show degenerated into a shouting match today, after a pugnacious Bush commerce official squared off with heated supporters of net neutrality.

John Kneuer, the assistant secretary for communications and information, quickly lost his temper and began shouting back at Supernova 2007 attendees after taking flack for saying the free market – not government intervention – would protect internet innovation and access.

Taking a brief time out from shouting his responses at delegates who’d rejected his claims the free market has ensured consumer choice in US broadband internet access, Kneuer remarked in an aside: “I started out very politely.”

That came seconds after he told delegates what they really wanted was for the government to mandate terms and conditions of internet service in the US.

“That’s absolutely what you are asking for!” he shouted to counter-shots of “no!” and “there is no market place!”, referring to the fact a handful of phone and cable companies control the lion share of broadband internet access and service in the US.

Increasingly, it seems, those companies will be allowed by the Government to charge for different levels of internet service – ending net neutrality.

Kneuer, who previously served with a Washington DC law firm representing telecoms companies, had fueled the crowd’s anger during a short Supernova presentation.


Troubled Program Canceled

It’s nice to see a multi billion dollar program canceled when it’s way behind schedule and over budget.

Spy chief scraps satellite program

June 21, 2007: 04:55 PM EST

Jun. 21, 2007 (AFX International Focus) —

WASHINGTON (AP) – Spy chief Mike McConnell has junked a multibillion-dollar spy satellite program that engineers hoped would someday pass undetected through the space above other nations.

The move from the director of national intelligence comes after several years of congressional efforts to kill the program, known publicly as the next generation of ‘Misty’ satellites. The new satellite was to be a stealthy intelligence spacecraft designed to take pictures of adversaries and avoid detection.

Little is known about the nation’s classified network of satellites, which represent some of the most expensive government programs and receive almost no public oversight. Because of their multibillion-dollar price tags, sensitive missions and lengthy development schedules, spy agencies go to great pains to keep details from becoming public.

McConnell gave no reason for his recent decision. Despite the program’s secrecy, he almost dared further inquiry into it.

Speaking Tuesday to an intelligence conference on workplace diversity, McConnell changed the subject and ended his speech by saying: ‘I have been advised when I was getting ready (OTCBB:GTRY) for this job, you have to do two things: kill a multibillion-dollar program. Just did that. Word is not out yet. You’ll see soon.

And in the “F%$@ the Consumer” Category.

They really don’t realize how they are driving consumers to Bit Torrent, do they?

If I wanted to make a tape of my LP for my boom box in 1981, that was simple, and now they want to prevent this.

The customer base is increasingly technically savvy, and they increasingly understand how the industry is all about ripping off the artist, so they do not see the industry as benefiting anyone but themselves.

The regime required for the future will make Beria’s NKVD look like a kiddie show.

DVD ripping to be rendered impossible?
By James Sherwood
Published Monday 25th June 2007 12:52 GMT

Buying a DVD and then copying it for use on your PSP, iPod or laptop could soon become impossible, if the DVD Copy Control Association gets its way.

The association wants to amend the licence underpinning the use of its DVD copy-protection technology, CSS (Content Scrambling System). This would, if successful, oblige you to have the original disc in your DVD drive every time you watched it.

However, the move is already prompting industry opposition. Michael Malcolm, CEO of Kaleidescape, a company that manufactures video servers to copy DVDs legally for use in multi-room display systems, has already written an open letter to the US Senate, claiming such a move could destroy businesses like his.

RuAf to Acquire Updated Flanker.

The aircraft is expected to carry the Novator K-100 missiles, which are to have a range in excess of 200km (some reports say 300 km).

Sukhoi Pushes Ahead With Revamped Flanker(subscription required)
Aviation Week & Space Technology
06/25/2007, page 43

Douglas Barrie
Le Bourget

Sukhoi plans aggressive flight test and weapons integration schedule for latest Flanker version

Printed headline: Family Affair

Fighter manufacturer Sukhoi is trying to persuade the Russian government to contribute development funds for its latest version of the Su-27 Flanker family, the Su-35, with indications that the air force has already decided to acquire the aircraft.

Three Su-35 prototypes are initially being manufactured, with a first flight planned by the end of September, according to a senior Sukhoi executive involved in the program. “Currently, there’s no government funding,” he says. “The program so far is being funded by industry participants.”

The first aircraft, No. 901, is now complete and undergoing ground tests. It’s slated to be at the Moscow air show in August, before beginning flight trials. The company has an ambitious flight test and initial weapons integration plan that it aims to finish by 2010, followed by the first aircraft being handed over to the air force.

The first prototype of Sukhoi’s Su-35 is due to appear at the Moscow air show on the flight line, rather than only as a display model.Credit: DOUGLAS BARRIE/AW&ST

The Su-27 derivative will certainly include systems also destined for the T-50. It will also provide the air force with an interim fighter should–a distinct possibility–the time scale for introducing the PAK FA into service be extended. First flight of the T-50 is penciled in for 2009.

It’s not clear in the picture, but there appears to be a fairing on the aft end of the large missile hanging on the right hand (left of picture) pylon. This might be an air intake.

Given the Russian experience with solid fuel ramjets, the SA-6 had one in the early 1970s, the range of this AIM-54 sized Phoenix sized missile could be rather long.

Good News: WTO Talks Fail

A bit late, but….

This is a good thing.

The rules are about making bankers rich, depressing wages, and imposing neo-colonial regimes on less developed countries.

Until we redefine what free trade should be, and it shouldn’t be denying drugs to babies in Guatemala, progress should stop.

WTO talks stumble, raising doubts over future of Doha pact

U.S. blames Brazil and India for asking for impossible concessions; future of World Trade Organization’s Doha pact in question.
June 21 2007: 1:23 PM EDT

POTSDAM, Germany (Reuters) — The future of World Trade Organization’s Doha pact is under doubt, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said Thursday, as talks between the United States, European Union, India and Brazil broke down.

“It places a very major question mark on the ability of the wider membership of the WTO to complete this round,” Mandelson told a press conference in Potsdam. “It does not in itself mean that the negotiations cannot be put back on track.”

Tax Fairness on Private Equity Will Define the Democrats in This Congress

Seriously, this is a defining issue for Democrats.

The idea that the commissions that people get for investing other people’s money should be taxed as capital gains is a disgrace.,

Bill Is Offered to Increase Tax on Private Equity


Interest on Capitol Hill in raising taxes on private equity and hedge fund managers reached a peak yesterday as leading Democrats introduced a bill that would more than double taxes on most of the income earned by partnerships, including private equity managers, venture capitalists and some hedge funds.

Representatives Charles B. Rangel of New York, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Sander M. Levin of Michigan joined 12 other Democrats in introducing the legislation to tax the performance income earned by many partnerships, including private equity firms, at ordinary income tax rates of 35 percent instead of the current 15 percent capital gains rate.

“Congress must ensure our tax code is fair,” said Mr. Levin, who has been looking at the measure since a friend of his, a retired tax lawyer, brought the issue to his attention a few months ago. The congressman insisted the bill was meant to address equitable tax treatment and was not an attempt to penalize success. “Some Republicans have attacked us for trying to soak the rich,” he said. “I am not trying to soak the rich; I am trying to find tax equity.”

Exactly the point.

Soyuz rockets set to blast off from Kourou-21/06/2007-Paris-Flight Daily News

Obviously, it will need to deal with the humidity at the launch site, but the boost from being the equator is significant.

Soyuz rockets set to blast off from Kourou

By Steve Nichols

Arianespace has signed a contract with Roskosmos, the Russian space industry, to buy the first four Soyuz rockets that will be launched from the Guiana Space Centre (GSC) in Kourou.

Jean-Yves Le Gall, chairman and CEO of Arianespace, and Anatoly Perminov, managing director of Roskosmos, signed the contract at the show, and confirmed launches will start in 2009.

The medium-launch Soyuz fits in well between the existing Vega light launcher and the heavy lift Ariane 5.

it is expected to become the most cost-effective path to orbit for commercial satellites in the 3 tonne class.

Very true. The Russian boosters are very mature technology, and most of the costs of their development have been amortized long ago.

Lawsuit shows how to sue spammers | CNET

Short version, he filed in Washington State, won a 31K judgement, and followed up with a suit in Florida to collect, and won there.

Lawsuit shows how to sue spammers

By Declan McCullagh

A recent decision in a lawsuit filed against a Florida credit counseling company offers a promising road map to follow for suing spammers.

After receiving at least nine unsolicited e-mail messages offering credit counseling services, Washington state resident Joseph Hylkema did more than just consign the spam to his junk mail folder: he decided to get even.


MyNuMO Scores with Celeb Video Game

I know the guy who runs MyNuMo, he’s one of those classic, “Friends that I’ve never met except through the net.” and some of the content there is in-dirtyword-credibly good.

The Jewish Mother ringtones are prize.

How they describe themselves:

MyNuMo is an online community that lets its members create, share, and sell mobile content. We make it possible for anyone to publish and sell content into the $9B Mobile Market. The MyNuMo portal delivers independently created content that’s rated and promoted by real people and delivered to any mobile phone. MyNuMo is selling user-generated content to mobile users with direct billing and delivery agreements on ALL major US Carriers.

In any case, they put a flash game up on the web. It’s amusing, and it doubled their traffic.

Applause: MyNuMO

Every once in awhile we find a reason to stand up and applaud a marketing/advertising campaign. For all of you Trads out there, this case study falls into the emerging markets category, so hold on to your PCs real tight while we head into the digital divide.

MyNuMo is a service that allows users to generate and post content, from short videos to ringtones for mobile phones. Unlike the soon to be released service from Nokia called Mosh (it’s in beta) when users download content from MyNuMo, the poster of that equity is paid a small sum. In order to promote and differentiate MyNuMo’s fledgling services, the creators of the site created a quick and entertaining flash game in which players try to….

I can’t go any further, because it would involve mentioning she who must not be named.


The origins of the Religious Right have to deal with their losing the right to be tax-exempt and segregated, not abortion.

Obama says some have ‘hijacked’ faith

By STEPHEN SINGER, Associated Press WriterSat Jun 23, 5:11 PM ET

Sen. Barack Obama told a church convention Saturday that some right-wing evangelical leaders have exploited and politicized religious beliefs in an effort to sow division.

“Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and faith started being used to drive us apart,” the Democratic presidential candidate said in a 30-minute speech before the national meeting of the United Church of Christ.

“Faith got hijacked, partly because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, all too eager to exploit what divides us,” the Illinois senator said.

“At every opportunity, they’ve told evangelical Christians that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their church, while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion and gay marriage, school prayer and intelligent design,” according to an advance copy of his speech.

“There was even a time when the Christian Coalition determined that its number one legislative priority was tax cuts for the rich,” Obama said. “I don’t know what Bible they’re reading, but it doesn’t jibe with my version.”


Not currently my first choice for Democratic nominee, but he’s right on the money here.

Defense Boondoggle, June 24 Edition

I see an IP lawsuit. They are using my likeness (sort of) without my permission.

A more pressing question is how is Lockheed getting its cut of this?

Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

By Mark Baard
Published Saturday 23rd June 2007 09:02 GMT

Perhaps your real life is so rich you don’t have time for another.

Even so, the US Department of Defense (DOD) may already be creating a copy of you in an alternate reality to see how long you can go without food or water, or how you will respond to televised propaganda.

The DOD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth, with billions of individual “nodes” to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR.

Called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), it will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information”, according to a concept paper for the project.

Yes, It Is Racist, Beds Are Burning Edition

(It’s a reference to the song by Midnight Oil.

Australian clampdown on Aborigines condemned as racist

Fri Jun 22, 1:44 AM ET

An Australian government plan to ban alcohol and pornography in Aboriginal communities to try to curb rampant child sexual abuse was labelled racist and knee-jerk by indigenous groups Friday.

Prime Minister John Howard announced the unprecedented measures on Thursday following a government report detailing paedophilia and juvenile prostitution in Aboriginal communities across Australia’s vast Northern Territory.

As government ministers appealed on national television for health professionals to help solve what Howard described as a “national emergency”, critics said Canberra’s plan had been hastily prepared and poorly thought out.

Indigenous activist Michael Mansell accused Howard of trying to stir hysteria against Aborigines ahead of national elections later this year, where the prime minister’s conservative government will seek a fifth term in office.

Mansell said the government’s plans singled out Aborigines.

“It would be different if his social behaviour strategy applied to everyone in Australia, but it doesn’t, making his policies racist,” said Mansell, the director of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre.

“This is a racist attack on the weak and an immoral abuse of power, amounting to nothing more than political vote scoring.”


Emphasis mine

T-Shirt Fun

In 2001, I printed up the following T-shirt to protest GW Bush.

Photo: Texas State Library & Archives Commission, used with permission

It’s one way to get the opinion of the general public.

At the 7-11 where I filled up, the clerk said, “Nice Shirt”.

Once I got to DC, someone walked up to me, and asked, “Don’t like him, huh?”, and I replied “Yes.”, and we both grinned.

I had one person give me a thumbs up, and on my way back to the Metro, a guy in a shirt and tie, smiled at me and said, “Liar”.

We hit Barnes and Noble on the way home, and the clerk said that he liked my shirt.

You Have to be F&@#ing Kidding Me.

I just came across the following Guiliani press release, dated March 1, 2007:

Mayor Giuliani Announces Theodore Olson as Chair of Justice Advisory Committee

The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Exploratory Committee today announced that former Solicitor General Theodore Olson will chair the Mayor’s Justice Advisory Committee.


“Ted Olson is a renowned Constitutional expert, one of the very best lawyers in the United States and I am honored to have his support,” Mayor Giuliani said. “Judith and I are even more honored by his friendship.”

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???? Is this some sort of dog whistle to the right wing Clinton haters of the Republican party?

This guy makes Jack Abramhoff look clean.