More Proof that Obams Will Be Disasterous Down Ticket

Yes, once again, Barack Obama is doing his best to validate Republican talking points. This time, he’s going after Edwards for being a “trial lawyer” while he did community activism.

There is a lot of talk about how Hillary mightt be a problem for people running for lower office, but having a presidential candidate who is running on Republican talking points is far, far worse.

Obama is the wanker of the day.

Edwards response is this tape from one of his clients, the mother of the little girl whose guts were literally sucked out by a faulty wading pool drain.

Not only is he going after a lawyer who has done heroic things, he is going after the whole concept of people protecting themselve from greedy corporations with these heroic lawyers.


Barak Obama can kiss my shiny metal ass.

FWIW, Molly Ivors comes to the same conclusion.

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