OK, the Results in New Hampshire McCain & Clinton Win

And I’m pulling down the polling spreadsheet, you can find it here.

McCain beats Romney. I figured that it would be closer.

Clinton beats Obama. This one shocked me.

And yes, my prediction that Huckabee would break 17% was wrong.

If I continue to get my predictions this wrong, I expect a job offer from the Bush White House.

My analysis: First, I wish that Paul had out polled Giuliani. Just because Mr. 911 deserves to be humiliated, like he did to his last wife by announcing the divorce on Mother’s day at a press conference. The man is a human stain, and the only candidate out there worse than the Avignon President, and his VP, the human snarl.

The American public supported Rudy because they did not know him, but over the past 2-4 months, they have who he is, and they would sooner French kiss a cow than vote for him.

As to McCain, it must be great for the press corps to have a “man crush” on you. He’s too damn old, and he’s hated by the Evangelicals and by the Wall Street Republicans…He won’t win.

Huckabee did OK, and will crush the opposition in South Carolina, notwithstanding Freddie Thompson’s clown show line in the sand down there. He may not have the nomination locked up, but he if he does not get the nomination, he comes in 2nd.

Clinton-Obama, I don’t know where it’s going. According to exit poll reports, the older voters were what put her over the top, and so I would give her a slight edge.

I don’t know the effect of her being misty-eyed at that rally. I just saw it as her being tired and a bit overwhelmed, and so I did not comment on it, but perhaps people wanted to see her in a slightly less reserved mode.

It certainly didn’t hurt.

An interesting phenomenon can be on the front page of Josh Marshall’s TPM there were a lot of people who do not care for Clinton who were incensed at the way the press went after her. It’s only 2-3 letters but I assume that it represents at least a segment of the population.

I can’t see Edwards getting any traction unless either Obama or Clinton crash and burn, which depresses me.

With Obama, you have a content free campaign (and dog whistle gay baiting), and with Clinton you have potentially disasterous dynastic issues. We’ve already had 20 straight years of presidents Bush and Clinton, which is too damn much.

I’m in Maryland, so if my vote counts, I’ll be amazed, but I’m pulling the lever for Edwards.

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