Driving Times Editorial-Page Editor Andy Rosenthal, “Out of My F#@$ing Mind,”

When Maureen Dowd filed her story on the New Hampshire primary, it had a Derry, N.H. dateline, even though she was in Israel when she filed it.

In fact, she wasn’t at the party that she discussed, she had some stringer do the leg work.

Well, the kerfuffle that has blown up over it has driven him, “Out of My F#@$ing Mind“.

Accountability sucks*, doesn’t it Mr. Rosenthal. Spencer Ackerman notes that NY Times Reporter Rick Bragg was suspended, and then resigned after he did something similar.

At the very least, Ms. Dowd needs to explain to her readers.

*And it is the accountability that blogs occasionally force on “real journalists”, that gives them much of their value, and engenders the hostility of the “Kook Kidz”.

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