New CIA Tape Coverup

The Washington Post has a farily good rundown on the CIA tape destruction.

I think that it’s increasingly evident that this was intended to avoid congressional and criminal scrutiny.

I think that it’s also very likely that some tapes were missed, and they will find their way into investigators hands, where there may be criminal issues.

I understand that the torturers were being “good Germans”, but that is no defense.

I further understand that there will be no small number of people who will demagogue this issue for political gain, making any prosecution near-impossible.

This is why I support the US signing onto the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague.

Our politics, and judiciary, have been so poisoned that we are unable to pursue justice in such cases.

FWIW, prosecuting torture is not about our victims, though doubtless some were innocents tortured by mistake, but about who we are.

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