Blair Unfit to Hold EU Position

Honestly, I would not trust him as my pastry chef, but the statements by former French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and the former prime minister Edouard Balladur thatTony Blair is unfit to be the next EU president is rather refreshing.

One of their arguments is technical, they feel that the First EU president (the treaty is going the rounds) should go to a country that is a part of the Euro zone, but the other is that, “Both men [d’Estang and Balladur] say Europe’s first president must come from a country which is fully committed to all EU policies, including the euro. Mr Balladur – breaking publicly with President Sarkozy – also says Mr Blair is too close to the United States to be chosen as a “fitting spokesman for Europe”. Their views are echoed, off the record, by senior officials in Belgium and Italy.”

In other words, for this high profile, if largely ceremonial position, he’s simply Bush’s Poodle, and nothing can fix that.

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