Strange Political Season: Actual Journalism Observed

I though that journalism was extinct in the wild, existing only within specific preserves, like The Daily Show and Countdown, With Keith Olbermann, but it appears that a specimen has escaped to the wilds of ABC.

In a report on his nationwide cable TV buys, which BTW are a very good idea in terms of bang for the buck, the Obama stated that, “The DNC has consistently said that we have not broken that pledge.”

Well it appears that ABC News’ Teddy Davis actually checked the facts about that claim:

Obama’s claim is not true.

“The DNC has not weighed in on the pledge because it was a pledge with the state party chairs from the four early states, not the DNC,” DNC spokeswoman Stacie Paxton told ABC News.

I’m stunned and amazed.

I’m also waiting for the same scrutiny to be applied to Senator Keating 5 McCain.

It will probably be a while.

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