FISA Bill in Limbo

Harry Reidwants a one mongh extension to the disgraceful “Protect America Act”, so that they can have time to work on the bill.

Once again, the Republicans are going with an all or nothing approch, with Kit Bond and Mitch McConnell blocking the extension in an attempt to give Bush and His Evil Minions everything that they want.

Um….Guys, this is a clue….In 11½ months Hillary and Her Evil Minions, or Barack and His Evil Minions may have the reins of the state security apparatus, and one of the things that I like about her is that, unlike Bill, she appears to have an inclination for vengeance.

You don’t want to go there.

FWIW, the case for the changes provided by Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell has proven to be completely fraudulent.

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