Nobel Prize Winning Advice on Stimulus

From Nobel Prize winner, Joseph Stiglitz:

  • Improving unemployment, which Pelosi has already bargained away.
  • Provide assistance to state and local governments who will be hit with tax shortfalls, particularly in property taxes.
  • More spending on education.
  • Find a way to help victims of predatory lenders without bailing out the perps.

On Bush’s ideas for tax cuts, he says:

The Bush administration has long taken the view that tax cuts (especially permanent tax cuts for the rich) are the solution to every problem. This is wrong. Tax cuts in general perpetuate the excessive consumption that has marked the American economy. But middle- and lower-income Americans have been suffering for the last seven years — median family income is lower today than it was in 2000. A tax rebate aimed at lower- and middle-income households makes sense, especially since it would be fast-acting.

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