Deal Reached on Tax Rebates for Stimulus –

Deal Reached on Tax Rebates for Stimulus –

High points:

  • 1200 Per couple for the middle class
  • $300 credit for children.
  • Limits of $75K/150K for single/family

Low Points:

  • No unemployment or food stamp spending, the BEST way to stimulate the economy.
  • Only $300 for the working poor.
  • Completely bogus tax giveaways to businesses that will take months if not years to show effect, and generate less economic activity
  • An increase from $417,000 to as much as $700,000 for “jumbo” mortgages bought by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Like we need to involve the government in bad mortgages for rich people. It’s a bailout of the rich, and it’s bad policy.

If the Democrats had any guts, they would have held out for better, but I guess that guts is just ,”not on the table”.

I won’t do the Pelosi pic again.

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