Israel Moving Toward Full Disengagement From Gaza

“Total disengagement” means no electricity, no fuel, no nothing, no kidding.

In response to the southern wall (or is it a fence…whatever) between Egypt and Gaza, Israel is no longer in control of all of Gaza’s access point, and so there are elements in the Israeli government arguing that:

Matan Vilnai, deputy minister of Defence, speaking on an army radio station said that: “We have to understand that when Gaza is open on the other side it is no longer our responsibility, consequently we want to separate ourselves from it”. Vilnai added that, following the withdrawal of Hebrew colonists in 2005, “we want to continue our disengagement from Gaza and stop delivering electricity, water and medicines so that they can be supplied by someone else: we will act responsibly until an alternative comes up”

(See here, here, here, here, and here)

In response to these suggestions, Egypt is moving to regain control of the boarder.

It would appear that no one wants responsibility for Gaza. I think that this concept is less appetizing than Plutonium toothpaste.

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