Month: February 2008

Obama To Maine – ‘Drop Dead’

Lets be clear, normally, I find Rense to be an unreliable source, but this is analysis and, there is a video on CNBC where Austan Goolsbee says what Rense says he said.

video where he is dismissive of LIHEAP.

Obama To Maine – ‘Drop Dead’

Blocked Emergency LIHEAP Money For Maine This Winter

AUGUSTA — Barack Obama’s chief economics adviser Austan Goolsbee today boasted that the Obama campaign had helped to prevent emergency heating assistance for low-income families from being included in the just-approved economic stimulus package which is now on its way to President Bush’s desk for signature. An increase in federal low-income heating assistance (known as LIHEAP), Goolsbee pointed out, had been championed by Obama’s opponent, New York Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton. Goolsbee’s remarks came in an interview this morning with Carl Quintanilla of CNBC business news television.”

It’s clear in the video, where Goolsbee dismisses LIHEAP as bureaucratic and wasteful.

Keeping poor people from freezing is a core Democratic Party value. In Maine, it’s a bipartisan value, but the folks who made it to the caucuses there are clearly too well off to qualify for the program, or to care about those who do.

George W. Bush has spent 7 years trying to make the poor poorer, and to denigrate this program, which helps the poor heat their homes in the winter is repulsive.

Goolsbee is “Chicago School Lite” on his economics, which may be useful for contacts with the press, which is increasingly overpaid, overfed (Candy Crowley), and self importantly proclaiming its support for the low wage economics that have prevailed since the mid 1970s, but it is not good for the American people or the Democratic Party.

News Flash: Europeans Conflate Efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Support Neither

Robert Gates is surprised and alarmed by this attitude. I say, “Well, Duh!!!”

It’s painfully clear that Afghanistan was shortchanged for the invasion of Iraq, and that the US is unable to support both efforts fully, so this means that European aid with operations in Iraq actually does free up US resources for operations in Afghanistan.

The European public has realized this for some time, as have the governments.

However, those in power realize that saying, “You’re on your own, Jack,” will shatter an alliance that they see as valuable.

The support of the European public American military operations anywhere is a rapidly wasting asset, and the stupid, disasterous war in Iraq is at its core.

Dutch to “Officially Discourage” The Wearing of Veils

The original measure was to ban the burqa in government offices and schools, but they are now going to officially, “discourage the wearing of burqas in public. …. by trying to persuade institutions such as schools and public transport companies to impose their own bans, a stop on the garment will also be imposed for civil servants.”

a Burqa.

In the story above, Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, referred to a burqa as a “Penguin suit”. So it’s clear that Wilders is a bigoted ass.

However, I am not conflicted on this. There is a difference between a Hijab (head scarf) and a burqa or niqab (which is similar, except that you can see the eyes).

Ignoring the security issues, which to my mind are minor, complete face covering changes the basic interaction in society, and makes meaningful and peaceful interaction difficult, if not impossible.

That being said, the banning of head scarves, such as is proposed in Spain by the opposition Conservatives, sounds to me like plain old bigotry and fear mongering.

Condi’s State Department: Making Our Best and Brightest Targets

The US Embassy in Bolivia has been asking members of the Peace Corps and Fulbright Scholars to Spy on Cubans and Venezuelans.

Van Schaick’s account matches that of Peace Corps members and staff who claim that last July their entire group of new volunteers was instructed by the same U.S. Embassy official in Bolivia to report on Cuban and Venezuelan nationals.

The State Department says any such request was “in error” and a violation of long-standing U.S. policy which prohibits the use of Peace Corps personnel or Fulbright scholars for intelligence purposes.

This paints big fat targets on the backs on a group of people who are sent out into the world to understand, and develop friendships with, foreigners all over the world.

Bush League Diplomacy in action.

The Danny Snyder Clown Show

Jim Zorn has been hired as the new head coach of the Redskins.

Let’s see, Joe Gibbs quits, and Snyder hires everyone but the head coach anyway, and now Jim Zorn, originally slated as offensive coordinator after a stellar turn as QB coach of the Seattle Seahawks ends up double promoted to head coach.

No one wanted the job unless they got to hire their own staff, and since they could not do that, it got handed down to Zorn.

Danny Snyder has spent more, for less results, than any owner in the league.

I Do Not Think That This is Political Posturing

Last night, on MSNBC, David Shuster asked if Chelsea Clinton campaigning on behalf of her mom meant that she was, “being pimped” by the campaign.

The Clinton Campaign has apparently gone completely batsh#$ insane over this, even though he apologized this morning.

Shuster’s still a wanker, though.

This is not about politics. This is about who the Clintons are. They have always been fiercely protective of her.

BTW, Shuster has been suspended from all NBC broadcasts.

Bigotry in Maryland

A small Muslim sect, the Ahmadiyya, wanted to build a Mosque and conference center in Walkersville, Maryland.

They were turned down, citing “noise, traffic, and water” issues.

They would have an annual convention of 10,000, but if this were Evangelical Christians doing the same, the Walkersville Chamber of Commerce would be twisting arms to get it in.

You know it, I know it, the Ahmadiyya know it, as do the citizens of Walkersville.

Economics Update

Consumer confidence sinks lower the RBC Cash Index falls to its lowest level since it was created in 2002, and consumer borrowing tumbles, rising at an annual rate of 2.1%, the lowest rate since April.

On a “beat my own drum” note, it’s nice seeing a real economist warning that the stimulus package is going to damage Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack by increasing the loan limits, and hence exposure. I warned about this yesterday, and it’s nice to see a real economist agree.

In high finance, it looks like there will be significant writedowns on the $160 billion of “pier” loans out in finance land.

Basically, a “pier loan” is a bridge loan for things like a private equity transaction where the banks cannot sell the debt, and hence it’s a “bridge to nowhere”, or a “pier”.

The average price for the most actively traded U.S. loans fell to 88.37 cents on the dollar this week, from 91.14 cents last month, according to S&P’s LCD. Prices have fallen from 100, or face value, last June.

This means that no one is interested in buying the loans, so they have to discount.

Finally, look at these charts on The Financial Ninja, and be very, very afraid.

Referral Fees

One of our close friends, and my XGF*, Debbie, is a lawyer going out on her own and starting her own practice in disabilities and education law.

My wife just referred one of her clients to her, as the situation has reached the point where a lawyer needs to be involved, rather than just an advocate.

By way of a thank you, Debbie baked us a pie.


*Ex-Girl Friend

The Tweety Effect

Emily’s List is using Chris “Tweety” Matthews’ hostile, and generally sexist, statements about Hillary Clinton to raise money for her:

We’ve seen how far pundits like Chris Matthews will go to define Hillary on their terms. We’ve fought back against the gender stereotypes that keep popping up again and again.

But it’s not going to stop just because we want it to. The only way Hillary can talk to voters unfiltered is if she has enough money to deliver her message of change straight to the grassroots.