“Just a Slip of the Tongue”

Well, we now have a report of at least one call from a Clinton phone bank where the caller screwed up, either intentionally or not, Obama and Osama.

It could be an accident, it could be on purpose, but whoever did it needs some time off.

I have a similar story.

When I was phone banking Wisconsin for Howard Dean in 2004, and I had developed my own patter, about Howard Dean was not one of those “blow dried and focus grouped politicians”.

I thought that I was pretty clever, and then I was talking with a nice lady, and said that he wasn’t one of those, “blow jobbed and focused grouped politicians”.

As soon as it came out of my mouth, I started apologizing profusely, and this woman, bless her heart, said, “Hon, I know what you meant, but maybe you should take a little rest.”

I hung up the phone, put my head down, and giggled helplessly for about 15 minutes.

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