A GBU-57 Theory

You may recall my linking to a blog post by Stephen Trimble about a mystery bomb, the GBU-57, for the USAF is letting out a contract for integration with the B-2.

While cleaning out my pockets, I came across an article from the Defense Technology International January/February Issue, there is an article on page 14 (no direct link because of the oddball way it displays pages) about three new/old bomb technologies.

Specifically, the use of ES-1 super hard “Eglin Steel”, the “precise time of arrival munitions, where multiple bombs dropped are given flight paths which will result in simultaneous detonation, and “skip bombing”, the Marnes Wallis’ technique used by the Dam Busters. in WWII.

It may still be some sort of MOP integration for a sneak attack on Iran, though how they can ask for bids when Congress has specifically forbidden spending money on this is beyond me.

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