Obama Campaign in Full Stonewall Mode in Michigan, and Florida Says No Vote

That’s the only explain the various chicken egg objections of Obama supporters, who won’t say if they support a concept of a revote unless they have finished legislation, but also say it’s not worth coming up with finished legislation unless they have sign on by both campaigns.

There is only one real issue here, making sure that the already broke state of Michigan is not left holding the bag on the cost.

In related news, the Florida Democratic party has said there will be no revote.

Truth be told, what happened in Florida was much more a Republican effort, the Dems tried to change the date, but rules are rules.

No delegates may be a good thing, because it will lead more people to question the role of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. It’s an accident of history that does not need to be repeated, particularly in South Carolina.

The worst solution is Chris Dodd’s where the delegates are split 50/50. That says, “the voters be damned, but the political big wigs should get their junket to Denver.”

Also, the super delegates, who were largely the folks who voted to set those dates at that time, should be excluded too.

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