Diarist Strike at DailyKos?

First, in the interest of full disclosure, while I still read there, I have been banned from posting there, with good cause, as I was sock puppeting.

I still read it, truth be told, I think that the diaries are more interesting than the front pagers, but you have perhaps a dozen front pagers, and something like 1000 times as many diarists daily.

I started coming across various comments, some snark, and some serious, and finally tracked this all down to one user who has announced his withdrawal from Kos for the duration of the nominating process.

His complaints were justified. The place has been nuts on this lately. Hell, so has Americablog, MyDD (on the other side), Oliver Willis, Taylor Marsh, etc…..

Let’s make this clear, to quote myself, “If I had a choice I would vote for a syphilitic goat,” ahead of any Republican.

The shrillness level, and not just on Kos, regarding the Democratic Party nominations is in-bloody-sane.

Take a chill pill.

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