OK, Legitimate Issue on the MI Revote, NOT Stonewalling

In discussing a possible revote, I noted that I thought that objections being raised by the Obama campaign were a specious attempt to stone wall.

I’ve finally come across some of the specific issues that they have with a revote, and they are in fact quite valid.

One question is who do you allow to vote. Unlike a lot of other states, Michigan has an open primary, which means that you can choose which ballot you want when you walk into the polling area, regardless of party affiliation.

To quote Chairman Kaga, “As Memory Serves”, there were a lot of Democrats who chose to vote for Mittmentum, because they thought that he would be particularly weak in the general.

So, there is now an issue regarding what to do with the people who voted on the Republican ticket.

This is a completely legitimate issue.

My preferred solution would be to simply allow only people who were registered Democrats as of the date of the first election to participate in any revote, regardless of which ballot they took in January. I think that open primaries create too much mischief, particularly in this instance.

In any case, this issue has a number of possible solutions, and it cuts to the very core of any possible revote, so it is a very valid concern, and needs to be addressed to the satisfaction of both campaigns.

Me bad on calling it stonewalling

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