Bush Authorizes “the Furnishing of Defense Articles and Defense Services” to Kosovo

While not an actual authorization of weapons sales, it does give official approval to more detailed negotiations on this matter.

I support the recognition of Kosovo. The nation of Serbia forfeited any right to the territory when it engage in Genocide, and the ability to support Kosavar security forces is a good thing.

That being said, the fact that I am agreeing with a foreign policy initiative of Bush and His Evil Minions does make me feel unsettled.

Once again, I am compelled to make the repeat the wisest thing that I’ve read this century:

But it does inspire in me the desire for a competition; can anyone, particularly the rather more Bush-friendly recent arrivals to the board, give me one single example of something with the following three characteristics:

1. It is a policy initiative of the current Bush administration
2. It was significant enough in scale that I’d have heard of it (at a pinch, that I should have heard of it)
3. It wasn’t in some important way completely f#$@ed up during the execution.

Seriously. I’ve yet to see anything wiser yet, and I’m using the loose definition of the 21st century which includes the year 2000.

So the obvious question is, how will they f#$@ it up?

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