Got Everything Wrong

So says John Cole of Balloon Juice.

While it is amusing to read that he finds it, “amazing I could tie my shoes in 2001-2004“, my question is more direct. What the hell are your going to do to fix it?

I’ve wrong on most of my predictions, but I have not pushed policy prescriptions on the basis of those predictions.

You were were more than wrong, you were an accessory to evil, and an enthusiastic one at that.

You contributed to making us less safe, killing in excess of half a million Iraqis, driving more than a million from their homes, and damaged the United States for decades to come economically, diplomatically, and morally.

You cheer led for this evil.

The Julius Streicher, the publisher of Der Stürmer was put to death for his cheer leading, and while your misdeeds are far more milder, simply saying, “oops, sorry”, does not cut it

What Are you going to do to make it right?

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