Heavy Lift Helo/Blimp Hybrid

The idea of using balloons to make a helicopter arrangement lift more, because the rotors carry only the load, the airframe is neutrally buoyant, was tried before in the late 1986s, with the Piasecki PA-97, but it was a shoestring job with a seat of the pants attitude towards engineering, and on its maiden flight, a helo broke lose, and destroyed the aircraft, killing one of the 4 pilots.

This Boeing /Skyhook joint venture appears to be more thought out, and it offers good performance, with an estimated 200 mile range with a 40t payload.

That being said, I have always said that the first problem with lighter than air craft is that landing, even in a mild wind, becomes problematic.

When you consider that this is designed for operations in the, “niche market of commercial oil and mining companies operating in Canada’s far north,” I would also add the problem of operations in inclement weather.

I would also note that the cost of helium is going through the roof (been to a party supply store lately?), which will further crimp the project.

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