It Appears that Some People Want to Relive the 1960s

Specifically, the Cuban Missile Crisis.

There are now rumors that Russia may start basing nuclear capable bombers in Cuba in response to the US installing an ABM system in Europe directed at them (let’s be honest, if it were actually aimed at the Iranians, as claimed, it would be further south, to give coverage to Turkey and Italy).

General Norton Schwartz, the nominee for Air Force chief of staff, said, “I think we should stand strong and indicate that that is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line, for the United States of America.

I agree….as does the expansion of NATO eastward, and a the European missile defense system crosses a red line for the Russians.

Russian political culture is not driven by a need to engage in the world. Russian political culture is driven by a paranoia about the world, and we seem to be taking steps guaranteed to stoke their paranoia.

It’s almost as if someone wanted to recreate the Cold War for political gain.

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