McCain’s Meets With Jindal

So it appears that John Sidney McCain III is spending some time in Louisiana, but besides mentions of a visit with governor Bobby Jindal, nothing else is specified.

Maybe they want the performing whack job, he has claimed to have performed an exorcism, to be VP. It certainly would be entertaining.

Of other note, it article indicates that Bob Novak got owned on the leak that McCain would announce a VP pick this week:

Robert Novak, the columnist who helped trigger the VP frenzy with a blog posting Monday, told Fox News on Tuesday that he might have been duped by a McCain campaign aide.

Novak said he was encouraged by “a very senior McCain aide” to put out the story that McCain would name his running mate this week. He said he since has been told by “certain people” he “may have been used.”

Gee….You think????

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