The Problem With Pakistan

Is that the entire country resembles the German Imperial Navy circa 1913. The Kaiser’s naval officers would end each meal with the toast, “Der tag,” meaning “The Day,” referring to the day that a final epic confrontation with the British Grand Fleet.

Well, if we look at the problems with Pakistan, whether it’s misappropriation of funds intended for anti-terror operations, or the support given by the Pakistani security service, the ISI, which continues to support the Taliban in order to ensure that the influence of India in Afghanistan is minimized.

It’s why Pakistan is fundamentally unreliable as an ally in the war on terror. The Pakistani military, and to a lesser extant Pakistani civilian leadership is fixated on the prospect of war with India, even though, as both are nuclear powers, anything beyond fierce border clashes is unlikely.

Well, it looks like Bush and His Evil Minions have decided to double down with the “War with India” dead enders who have been supporting the Taliban and preventing meaningful action against al Queida. They are proposing that $230 million in anti-terror aid, roughly 2/3 of all anti-terrorism funds, be transferred to upgrades of the Pakistani F-16 fleet.

These F-16s have no role in operations against the Taliban or against al Queida. They are purposed almost exclusively for use against India.

By releasing this money for upgrades, we are reinforcing bad behavior, and encouraging the Pakistani military to provide a safe haven to al Queida and for elements of the Pakistani security apparatus to act as the primary sponsor for the Taliban.

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