Why John Sidney McCain Didn’t Talk to the Exorcist

I mentioned that the sick old man was going to Louisiana to talk with Bobby “The Exorcist” Jindal, and the scuttlebutt was that he was sizing him up as a VP running mate.

Well, he also intended to fly to an oil rig, to talk about the safety of oil rigs, and to falsely state that there was not a single oil spill post Katrina:

Dennis Knizley looks out on an oil rig beached just off of Dauphin Island, Ala., Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 30, 2005, a day after Hurricane Katrina destroyed much of the island and brought the enormous structure a few hundred yards from shore. (AP Photo/Birmingham Post-Herald, Jan-Michael Stump)

In fact, there were somewhere between 146 and 595 oil spills, depending on whose numbers you use, that spewed 9 million gallons of oil.

In any case, the McCain campaign canceled the flight to the oil rig, claiming that the “weather” was to blame, though the weather was actually pretty good, it further south, on the Tex-Mex border where Dolly was hitting.

More likely what stopped him from giving the speech was the fact that there was a barge accident on the Mississippi that day, which spilled 419,000 gallons of oil, and it would have made the campaign stop look like a clown show.

Come to think of it, the entire campaign is starting to look like a clown show, and I’m beginning to wonder if God hates the John McCain campaign.

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