Wanker of the Day: Cokie Roberts

For saying that Barack Obama is somehow elitist for going to Hawaii, where his grandmother lives.

I spent 10 of my first 18 years on the west coast. Hawaii is not an exotic vacation location….It’s firmly middlebrow…Unless, of course, you think that going outside the DC beltway is a long trip.

Hawaii’s Congressional delegation weighed in too:

The comments, received a lot of backlash from Hawaii’s representatives in Washington.

“She’s a bit of a fool that’s the only thing you can say,” said Rep. Neil Abercrombie. ” Don’t forget Cokie Roberts and the whole Washington crowd live in a kind of an incestuous relationship to one another, they talk to one another, they see one another, they know nothing about ordinary people.”

In a statement, Senator Daniel Akaka said calling Hawaii “foreign” does a disservice to the hardworking patriotic Americans who call Hawaii home.

(emphasis mine)

I rather imagine that Senator Daniel Inouye, who lost his arm serving this country, did not have a quote suitable for publication.

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