A Washington Pundit Uses the “L” Word

And I don’t mean in a conversation about Rachael Maddow’s new job at MSNBC.*

I mean that Jonathan Alter just called John McCain a liar

His final graph:

But when he resorts to these kinds of falsehoods, and casts such aspersions on his opponent’s patriotism, John McCain is no longer putting his country first. If he were, he would recognize that the interests of the nation require a relatively truthful campaign. To fulfill his image of himself, McCain should stop lying about his opponent. For a man with his claims to honor and integrity, that’s not too much to ask.

This is a word that you never see in political writing. Ever.

I’m beginning to think that the sick old man is losing his base, the Beltway pundits…..Please make this so.

*No offense intended toward the talent Ms. Maddow. She has been out, and proud, for years.

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