Talk about the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations!

Because, seriously for Bush and His Evil Minions to try to spin the continued breathing of Osama bin Laden with this:

Q: But Osama bin Laden is the one that — you keep talking about his lieutenants, and, yes, they are very important, but Osama bin Laden was the mastermind of 9/11 —

MS. PERINO: No, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the mastermind of 9/11, and he’s sitting in jail right now.

I guess that bin Laden was some 6 foot 6 inch tall dude suffering from Marfan’s related kidney failure who occasionally attended meetings of the Ladies Sewing Circle & Terrorist Society, or some such.

Every time I think that I’ve grown too cynical to be shocked, they kick it up a notch.

The mendacity of these folks, even after 7 years, continues to stun me.

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