Breathalyzer Firm Must Turn Over Source Code

In Arizona, Pima County Superior Court Judge Deborah Bernin has told breathalyzer manufacturer CMI to turn over the source code for their devices to the defendants.

This is more than just a legal ploy to get out of a drunk driving charge,* there actually appear to be some reliability issues with the device in question:

Allegedly inconsistent, odd or inexplicable results involving the Intoxilyzer 8000 have led to legal action in six states (Florida, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Tennessee and New Jersey as well as Arizona). A Florida judge also ordered CMI to hand over the source code running the controversial devices but the firm has refused to comply, earning it $1.2m in fines as a result.

I support this ruling, even without the history of problems. Having a closed box that just says, “guilty” is not acceptable.

*Full disclosure, my mom was killed by a drunk driver when I was 14.

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