Zhuhai Air Show Picture Pr0n

Well, let’s start with the UAVs, and the Chinese are clearly looking at matching US capabilities with large UAVs:

This rather looks like any number of low observability UAVS

The Tian Yi-3 looks like a Global Hawk

As does the Soar Dragon.

We also see new antiship missiles and a trainer, which looks a lot like the russian Yak-130 trainer.

These look identical to missiles that Iran have shown, which gives a pretty good idea as to the provenance of those.

Clearly separated at birth from the Yak.

It also looks like it’s not just the US and Israel that are seriously considering truck mounted SAMs based on currently fielded air to air missiles:

That being said, the highlight of the show tends to be the aircraft that actually, of which the canard delta J-10 was the star of the show.

There is a very good collection of pictures here, which in addition to the J-10 has pics of the henyang J-8II fighter aircraft (above), a Xian JH-7A strike aircraft, and the Xian H-6U (Beagle derivative?) tanker. But here is some canard:

Thankfully, we also get some pictures of the J-10 in flight:

A ‘chute for landing…That’s unexpected….In a 1970s way.

We also have a review of the demonstration flights at the airshow.

What is interesting is that the review of its performance by Vladimir Karnozov is very positive, “The pilot rarely used afterburner and the degrees of canard deflection were small. Still, the airplane flew very well. I reckon it will beat F-16C or MiG-29/SMT easily.”

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